Corporate Governance    

Corporate Governance is a systemic process by which companies are directed and controlled to enhance their wealth generating capacity and to ensure that the organisation is managed in a manner that meets stakeholders’ aspirations and societal expectations. 


It is a culture that guides the Board, Management and Employees to promote ethical corporate behaviour, ensure fiscal accountability, and always work in the best interest of all the Stakeholders comprising employees, customers, guests, vendors, investors, regulators and society at large.

The Company’s Corporate Governance initiative is based on two core principles. These are:


  • Management must have the executive freedom to drive the enterprise forward without undue restraints; and


  • This freedom of management should be exercised within a framework of effective accountability.


The Company believes that any meaningful policy on Corporate Governance must provide empowerment to the executive management of the Company, and simultaneously create a mechanism of checks and balances which ensures that the decision-making powers vested in the executive management is not only not misused, but is used with care and responsibility to meet stakeholders aspirations and societal expectations.

From the above definition and core principles of Corporate Governance emerge the cornerstones of the Company’s governance philosophy, namely trusteeship, transparency, empowerment and accountability, control and ethical corporate citizenship. The Company believes that the practice of each of these leads to the creation of right corporate culture in which the Company is managed in a manner that fulfils the purpose of Corporate Governance. It is therefore important to define these cornerstone concepts, so that they are clearly understood and practiced across the organisation.

The Company believes that it represents a coalition of interests, namely those of the shareholders, other providers of capital, business associates, customers, guests, employees and society at large. This belief therefore casts a responsibility of trusteeship on the Company's Board of Directors to protect and enhance shareholder value as well as to ensure that the Company fulfils its obligations and responsibilities to its other stakeholders.

Inherent in the concept of trusteeship is the responsibility to ensure equity, namely, that the rights of all shareholders, large or small, are protected.

The Company believes that transparency means explaining Company’s policies and actions to those to whom it has responsibilities. Therefore transparency must lead to maximum appropriate disclosures without compromising the Company's strategic interests. Internally, transparency means openness in Company's relationship with its employees, as well as the conduct of its business in a manner that will bear scrutiny. 

The Company believes transparency enhances accountability.

Empowerment is an essential concomitant of Company’s first core principle of governance that management must have the freedom to drive the enterprise forward. ITCHL believes that empowerment is a process of actualising the potential of its employees. Empowerment unleashes creativity and innovation throughout the organisation by truly vesting decision-making powers at the most appropriate levels in the organisational hierarchy.

The Company believes that the Board of Directors are accountable to the shareholders, and the management is accountable to the Board of Directors; empowerment, combined with accountability, provides an impetus to performance and improves effectiveness, thereby enhancing shareholder value.

The Company believes that control is a necessary concomitant of its second core principle of governance that the freedom of management should be exercised within a framework of appropriate checks and balances. Control should prevent misuse of power, facilitate timely management response to change, and ensure that business risks are pre-emptively and effectively managed.

The Company believes that corporations have a responsibility to set high standards of ethical behaviour, both internally within the organisation, as well as in their external relationships. Ethical standards should be adhered to ensure integrity, transparency and accountability in dealing with all the stakeholders. Unethical behaviour corrupts organisational culture and undermines stakeholder value. Therefore the corporate governance process must continuously reinforce and help actualise the Company’s belief in ethical corporate citizenship.

Flowing from the philosophy and core principles of governance as outlined in the previous chapter, Corporate Governance in the Company shall primarily take place at two interlinked levels, namely –

  • Strategic supervision by the Board.

  • Strategic and Executive management by the Strategic and Executive Management Committee (SEMC) headed by the Managing Director (MD) supported by Senior Managers. 


The day-to-day operational management of a Hotel Unit shall vest with the respective General Manager who shall be accountable to respective Head of Operations of the region. The Company believes that the right balance between freedom of management and accountability to shareholders can be achieved by segregating strategic supervision from strategic and executive management. The Board as trustees of the shareholders will exercise strategic supervision through strategic direction and control, and seek accountability for effective strategic and executive management from the SEMC headed by the MD for realisation of tactical goals.


The two tier governance structure thus ensures that:

  • Strategic supervision (on behalf of the shareholders), being free from involvement in the task of strategic management of the Company, can be conducted by the Board with objectivity, thereby sharpening accountability of the management;


  • Strategic and Executive management of the Company, remains focused on enhancing the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the business to achieve best in class performance within the Board approved direction and framework.

The primary role of the Board of Directors is that of trusteeship to protect and enhance shareholder value through strategic supervision of the Company, its wholly owned subsidiaries and their wholly owned subsidiaries. As trustees they will ensure that the Company has clear goals relating to shareholder value and its growth. The Board should set strategic goals and seek accountability for their fulfillment. They will provide direction, and exercise appropriate control to ensure that the Company is managed in a manner that fulfills stakeholder aspirations and societal expectations.

The Board will annually review its own functioning to ensure that it is fulfilling its role. The Board will also evaluate the performance of the MD, other Directors and Board Committees. 

The Board will have a balance of skills, competencies, experience and diversity of perspectives appropriate to the Company and its business. For this purpose, diversity shall be considered from a number of aspects including, but not limited to, educational & cultural background, nature of professional, administrative & industry experience, skills, knowledge, and gender representation in line with the relevant policies of the Company.

The Non-Executive Directors shall be drawn from amongst eminent professionals, with experience in business / finance / law / public administration and enterprises. Directors shall be appointed / re-appointed for a period of three to five years or a shorter duration, in accordance with the retirement guidelines as may be determined by the Board from time to time or by any applicable statutes, rules, regulations or guidelines, and in the case of MD / Executive Director up to the date of their retirement, whichever is earlier.

Non-Executive Directors, including Independent Directors, are expected to play a critical role in imparting balance to the Board processes by bringing an independent judgement to bear on issues of strategy, performance, resources, standards of Company conduct, etc. 

The Board shall meet at least five times in a financial year. The tentative annual calendar of meetings shall be agreed upon at the beginning of each year. The quorum for meetings shall be one third of members, including one Independent Director, and decisions shall be taken by simple majority, unless statutorily required otherwise. Meetings shall be governed by a structured agenda. All major issues included in the agenda shall be backed by comprehensive background information to enable the Board to take informed decisions. Agenda papers, as far as practicable, shall be circulated at least seven days prior to the meeting. Normally items for the Board Agenda, except those emanating from Board Committees, shall have been examined by the SEMC. Draft Minutes of Board Meeting shall be circulated within fifteen days of the meeting. 

The Board shall have the following Committees whose terms of reference shall be determined by the Board from time to time:


Audit Committee: To provide reassurance to the Board on the existence of an effective internal control environment that ensures (a) efficiency and effectiveness of operations, (b) safeguarding of assets and adequacy of provisions for all liabilities, (c) reliability of financial and other management information and adequacy of disclosures, and (d) compliance with all relevant statutes.



Nomination and Remuneration Committee: To identify persons qualified to become Directors and to formulate criteria for evaluation of performance of the MD, other Directors and the Board as a whole. The Committee's role inter alia includes recommending to the Board the appointment, remuneration and removal of Directors, SEMC Members, Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary and Senior Management.



Securityholders Relationship Committee: To oversee redressal of shareholder & investor grievances. The Committee's role also includes reviewing the adherence to the service standards by the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent appointed by the Company. 



CSR and Sustainability Committee: To review, monitor and provide strategic direction to the Company's CSR and Sustainability practices and guide the Company in integrating its social and environmental objectives with its business strategies. The Committee shall also formulate & monitor the CSR Policy and recommend to the Board the annual CSR Action Plan of the Company. 



Independent Directors Committee: The role of the Committee would be such as may be prescribed under law.


In addition to the above, the Board may constitute such other Committee(s), as it may consider appropriate and decide on their Terms of Reference.

Terms of Reference of the Board Committees shall inter alia include:

  • Objectives

  • Roles & Responsibilities 

  • Constitution & Membership 

  • Meetings & Quorum

  • Reporting Procedure

The composition of the Board Committees will be as follows or as may be prescribed by law from time to time:



     COMMITTEE                                                                                                             MEMBERS           CHAIRPERSON
 Audit Committee Three or more Directors of the Company, as may be decided by the Board, with at least two-third of the members being Independent Directors. All the members of the Committee shall be financially literate and at least one member shall have accounting or related financial management expertise. The Chief Financial Officer, the Head of Internal Audit and the representative of the Statutory Auditors shall be Invitees to the meetings of the Committee. The Company Secretary shall act as the Secretary. One of the Independent Directors, to be appointed by the Board.
 Nomination  and   Remuneration   Committee Three or more Non-Executive Directors of the Company, as may be decided by the Board, with at least two-third of the members being Independent Directors. The Chairperson of the Company shall be a Member of the Committee. The Company Secretary shall act as the Secretary. One of the Independent Directors, to be appointed by the Board.
 Securityholders   Relationship   Committee Three or more Directors of the Company, as may be decided by the Board, with at least one member being an Independent Director. The Company Secretary shall act as the Secretary. One of the Non-Executive Directors, to be appointed by the Board.
 CSR and   Sustainability   Committee Three or more Directors of the Company, as may be decided by the Board, with at least one member being an Independent Director. The Company Secretary shall act as the Secretary. One of the Non-Executive Directors, to be appointed by the Board.
 Independent  Directors Committee All the Independent Directors of the Company. One of the Independent Directors.


Normally meetings of the Board Committees shall be convened by their respective Committee Chairperson. However, any member of the Committee may, with the consent of the concerned Chairperson, convene a meeting of the Committee.

Signed minutes of Board Committee meetings shall be tabled before the Board for its information. However, matters requiring the Board's attention/ approval should be tabled in the form of note(s) to the Board with clearance of the Committee Chairperson.

The Risk Management Committee constituted by the Board shall have three or more Members comprising Directors (including one Independent Director and the Managing Director) and senior managers, as may be decided by the Board, with majority of the members being Directors. One of the Director shall be the Chairperson of the Committee. The role of the Committee shall be to approve the strategic risk management framework of the Company, and review the risk mitigation strategies and results of risk identification, prioritisation & mitigation plans, as also the measures taken for cyber security. The Committee shall also formulate the Risk Management Policy, and review implementation, effectiveness and adequacy of the risk management systems, processes & plans of the Company. The Chief Risk Officer or such other person appointed by the Board shall act as the Secretary to the Committee. 

The Minutes of meetings of the Risk Management Committee shall be circulated to the Board.

The primary role of the SEMC is strategic and executive management of the Company within the Board approved direction / framework and realisation of Company goals. The SEMC will assess the performance of functions and hotel units and allocate resources. The composition of the SEMC will be determined by the Board (based on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee), and will consist of the MD and key senior members of the management. Membership of the SEMC shall be reviewed by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee as and when necessary. Meetings of the SEMC shall be convened and chaired by the MD. The Company Secretary shall be the Secretary to the SEMC. 

The quorum for SEMC meetings shall be 50% of the total number of SEMC members, subject to minimum of three members. Decisions shall be taken by simple majority. Minutes of SEMC meetings shall be placed before the Board. Matters arising from SEMC meetings and requiring Board’s attention / approval shall be placed in the form of notes to the Board by / through MD, backed by comprehensive background information.

Agenda items of SEMC shall be backed by comprehensive notes from the concerned SEMC Member / Invitee. The SEMC shall meet at least once a month.

The primary role of the Chairperson of the Company is to provide leadership to the Board, support management of critical external relationships including shareholder issues. Chairperson will preside over the Board Meetings and will lead and assist the Board in setting and realising the Company’s strategic Vision and related short and long term goals. 

The Chairperson shall be responsible for the working of the Board, for its balance of membership (subject to Board and Shareholder approvals) and for ensuring that all directors are enabled and encouraged to play a full part in the activities of the Board. The Chairperson will also preside over the General Meetings of the shareholders.

The MD will carry the overall responsibility for the strategic and executive management of the Company and accordingly will head the SEMC. The primary role of MD is to provide leadership to the SEMC for realising Company goals in accordance with the charter approved by the Board. He will be responsible for the working of the SEMC, ensuring that all relevant issues are on the agenda, that all SEMC members are enabled and encouraged to play a full part in its activities.

The MD will be responsible to ensure that the SEMC functions in accordance with the Company’s Governance policies, and in compliance with Board directives with guidance from the Chairperson of the Company, wherever necessary. 

In respect of the functions / units which directly report to the MD, he will have the responsibility of Line SEMC Member.

The MD shall ensure that the Board is kept informed on all matters of importance to enable it to discharge its role and responsibilities.

a) As a member of the SEMC, contribute to the strategic and executive management of the Company within Board approved direction / framework.


b) As SEMC Member accountable for units / functions (Line SEMC Member), assume responsibility for its strategic and executive management, including governance processes and senior management effectiveness.


c) As SEMC Member accountable for a wholly owned subsidiary, or its wholly owned subsidiary (Line SEMC Member), at all times, exercise independent judgement and application of mind in the interest of the company and its shareholders.

Prathivadibhayankara Rajagopalan Ramesh


Kamal Bali


Mukesh Gupta


Ashish Thakar

Permanent Invitee

Amit Chandak

Permanent Invitee

Representative of Statutory Auditors

Permanent Invitee

Diwaker Dinesh

Secretary to the Committee

Sanjiv Puri


Indu Bhushan


Anil Chadha


Vrinda Sarup


Diwaker Dinesh

Secretary to the Committee

Vrinda Sarup


Sanjiv Puri


Prathivadibhayankara Rajagopalan Ramesh


Diwaker Dinesh

Secretary to the Committee

Tablesh Pandey


Indu Bhushan


Rajendra Kumar Singhi


Diwaker Dinesh

Secretary to the Committee

Kamal Bali


Indu Bhushan


Mukesh Gupta


Prathivadibhayankara Rajagopalan Ramesh


Vrinda Sarup


Supratim Dutta


Anil Chadha


Mukesh Gupta


Ashish Thakar


Amit Chandak

Secretary to the Committee